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Sometimes I cannot see the pictures when my device is laying flat in landscape mode?
This happens because the default mode is “portrait”. To view the images in landscape mode while your device is lying flat, lift the device and enable the ROTATION LOCK.
For details on how to set this up, please see
How do I increase the volume for the voices?
Please note that there are two volume controls on your iOS device, plus a Mute option.
Please check all those.
In case you need help….
Here are several “how-to’s” for all of our apps!
10 Puppies - Learn to Count
Learn to Count
Numbers are read aloud and photos of cute, real puppies appear!
Slide the number to have it repeated.
Tap the number to get a new image for the same number.
Tap the puppies to make them bark.
Turn the page to get the next number.
10 Puppies - Choose the Number
Choose the Number
Puppies and three numbers appear while asking “What is the number of puppies?”.
Little hands can easily touch one of the three numbers getting instant verbal reaction to their choice.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Touch the puppies to make them bark.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
10 Puppies - Choose the Puppies
Choose the Puppies
A number and four groups of puppies appear and you are asked to touch the group of puppies that match.
Little hands can easily touch one of the groups getting instant verbal reaction to their choice.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
10 Puppies - Language Options
Text on the welcome and information pages is displayed in French, Spanish or English language according to the user selection in Settings, General, International, Language.
Find + Learn - Difficulty Levels
Images are grouped in two levels of difficulty.
Learn it! mode will show only the images in the selected level.
Find it! mode asks you to find only images in the selected level.
Find + Learn - Language Options
Narration is available in English, French or Spanish.
One narration is automatically installed according to your language preference of the device.
Additional languages can be added through In App purchase options.
Text on the welcome and information pages is displayed in French, Spanish or English language according to the user selection in Settings, General, International, Language.
Find + Learn - Learn It
Learn It!
Beautiful images appear and the name is announced.
Tap the image to have the name repeated.
Turn the page to get the next image.
Find + Learn - Find It
Find It!
Random images appear and you are asked to find a certain one.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Tap a picture to have the name repeated.
Tap elsewhere to have the question repeated
Find + Read - Learn It
Beautiful images and words appear and the word is announced.
Tap the image to have the name repeated.
Turn the page to get the next image.
Find + Read - Find It
Select the number of words to be displayed in Find it! 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20
An image and words appear at random and you are asked to find the word for the image.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Tap a word to have it repeated
Tap elsewhere to have the question repeated
Find + Read - Language Options
Narration is available in English, French or Spanish.
Text on the welcome and information pages is displayed in French, Spanish or English language according to the user selection in Settings, General, International, Language.
Kids Tell Time - Learn To Tell Time
Learn To Tell Time
The current time is spoken and displayed on 2 clocks: an analog clock and a digital clock. As time starts to pass, the 2 clocks count down the minutes and the time is announced every 5 minutes.
Change the time on either clock and hear how to say the time.
Turn the page to get a new time.
Kids Tell Time - Set the Analog Clock
Set the Analog Clock
Move the hands on the analog clock to show the same time as the digital clock.
Earn a star when the correct time is set.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
Kids Tell Time - Set the Digital Clock
Set the Digital Clock
Move the numbers on the digital clock to show the same time as the analog clock.
Earn a star when the correct time is set.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
Kids Tell Time - Match the Clocks
Match the Clocks
Drag a clock on top of another with the same time.
The clocks matched correctly will disappear.
Earn a star when all the clocks are matched.
Kids Tell Time - Choose the Analog Clock
Choose the Analog Clock
Tap the analog clock that indicates the time shown on the digital clock.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
Kids Tell Time - Choose the Digital Clock
Choose the Digital Clock
Tap the digital clock that shows the same time as the analog clock.
Earn a star for a correct answer on the first try.
Turn the page to get a new quiz.
Kids Tell Time - Language Options
Narration is available in English, French or Spanish.
Text on the welcome and information pages is displayed in French, Spanish or English language according to the user selection in Settings, General, International, Language.
Kids Tell Time - Info Screen
INFO Screen
- Button for resetting the number of star
- Option to connect to TV for classroom activities
Fizz - Game Instructions
Make the most of it!
- Pop the green bubbles: you gain points
- Do not pop the magenta bubbles: you lose points
- Pop the orange bubbles: you gain time
Be aware!
- Bubbles (and their points) grow
- Bubbles burst when too big
- When bubbles collide they merge
- Bubbles float and movement changes their path
MathPad - How-To
Tap INFO for documentation and to purchase the MultiDocs module.
Tap the highlighted buttons for information on specific functionality.
Drag to move an expression and multi-finger swipe to scroll the document.
MathPad - Automatic Saving
The documents are automatically saved after each expression is completed.
MathPad - Bottom Toolbar Functions
The bottom toolbar contains:
- Expression button that adds a new mathematical expression to the document. The special mathematical keyboard appears when editing an expression.
- Text button that adds new text to the document. The standard keyboard appears when editing text.
- Paste copied expression.
- Delete button that deletes the current expression being edited with the keyboard or the selected expression marked with a red border.
MathPad - Expressions
Long tap an operator to select the expression. The selected expression will be marked with a red border and a pop-up menu will appear.
4 horizontal buttons enable additional editing of expressions:
- The first button enables exchanging the current operator (highlighted in blue) with other operators.
- Marked with a large arrow pointing left, the second button enables adding operations to the left, with the selected expression incorporated in the right operand
- Marked with a large arrow pointing up, the third button enables adding operations around the selected expression
- Marked with a large arrow pointing right, the fourth button enables adding operations to the right, with the selected expression incorporated in the left operand
Tap the buttons to apply the desired change.
The four selection wheels allow to select the desired operation in the buttons above them.
On the right hand side are four vertical buttons: Copy,Paste, Delete, Color
MathPad - Colour Options
Colour button from the pop-up menu enables changing the color for the selected expression.
MathPad - Action Menu
Action menu contains the following options:
- Print document (AirPrint)
- Email document as PDF file
- Share an editable document with other MathPad users (MultiDocs module)
- The document is emailed as MathPadDoc attachment.
- The recipients can edit it if the MathPad app is installed.
- To open the attachment from the Mail app:
- Long tap on the attachment icon, a menu will appear
- Tap Open In… and then tap MathPad
- Email JPGs of all document expressions (MultiDocs module)
- Copy Image of selected expression or of entire document to iPad clipboard (MultiDocs module)
MathPad - MultiDocs
The MultiDocs add-on enables advanced features:
- Create and save multiple documents
- Share an editable document with other MathPad users
- Email JPGs of all document expressions
- Copy Image of selected expression or of entire document to iPad clipboard
Double-tap the title to rename the document.
Tap the title to open the document list.
In the list:
- Tap the + button to add a new document. Scroll at the bottom of the list and tap on the last item to open it.
- Right swipe to delete a document other than the current one.
Road Tripper - Points of Interest
- Hold your finger on a location to add a point. A pin will appear.
- Tap the pin to see details.
- Tap the label to modify the details or the pin, or to set the route type for getting to that point.
- Tap the pin again to start moving the point. The pin will zoom. To complete the move, hold your finger on the new location.
Road Tripper - Main Toolbar
The main toolbar contains:
- Maps or Points button for showing the corresponding lists
- Settings button for setting up your preferences
- Search bar where you can type a location or a POI (Point of Interest) like restaurant, hotel etc.
- Add points menu
- Route options menu
- Actions options menu for sharing maps
- Info button for showing the info screen
Beneath the toolbar are 4 buttons:
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Current Location
- Compass
To the right, the name of the map and its details.
The toolbar buttons:
- Preferences for chaging marker themes
- Show directions between the point and the current location in Maps app
- See the details for points added from Contacts
- Open Safari app if a web link is included in the description
- Copy point to Clipboard
- Delete point
Road Tripper - Options
Options can be configured in the Settings menu:
- Displaying distances in: Kilometers, Miles
- Map Type: Standard, Satellite, Hybrid, Terrain
- Show Directions to enable or disable the display of turn-by-turn directions in the Points List and in Printand Email options
- Show Traffic
- Show Labels beside each marker
- Show Lists – not hide lists when the device is in landscape orientation
Road Tripper - Pin Details
Tap the pin to see the main details:
- Order
- Name
- Route type, estimated distance and travel time are displayed for “By car”, “Walking”, “Cycling” route segments
- Total estimated distance and travel time for the route to this point
- Description
- Address
Tap the label to modify the details or the pin, or to set the route type for getting to that point.
Tap the pin again to start moving the point. The pin will zoom. To complete the move, hold your finger on the new location.
- The point details contain:
- One pin customizable with meaningful colors and symbols to indicate, for example, the type of place: restaurant, hotel, museum…. Tap the pin to change the icon or to add symbols
- Arrival and date and time. Tap on the corresponding calendar to change them
- Route Type for the segment ending in this point
- Name
- Notes, where you can enter important information regarding the place
- Address, initially loaded with the information from the map location, can be edited
Road Tripper - Points Button
The Points button displays the list of locations placed on the map. The list contains the main pin, the name of the point, the distances for the segment and for the route, and the standard”see details” button. Tap this button to see and/or edit the point details.
Tap a location in the Points list to center the map on that point.
Tap Edit to change the order of points by moving the markers up or down in the list.
Road Tripper - Google Directions
Turn-by-turn Google Directions for “by car”, “cycling” or “walking” routes are displayed in the Points list.
Show Directions option can be configured in the Settingsmenu to enable or disable the display of turn-by-turn directions in the Points List.
Road Tripper - Points of Interest
In the search box, type an address or a point of interestlike: hotel, restaurant, pizza.
Pins will be dropped for the search results.
Tap a pin to see the details.
Tap the details to add it as a point on your map.
Points can be added by holding your finger on the desired location, from search results, or by using the + menu.
- Add point from Current Location: a point will be added over the blue dot
- Add point from Contacts: tap on the address. A pin will be dropped on the map. Tap on the pin dropped to the location; a label will appear; tap on the +; a point will be added.
- Add point from Clipboard option appears only if a point was copied.
Road Tripper - Routes
A suggested street route* can be shown by choosing one of the top 4 route types from the menu.
For direct routes, select direct .
To hide the routes, select No Route.
Furthermore, the actual movement can be traced**.
*The display of the street route is provided using the Google Directions API service and therefore subject to certain limitations set by the service provider.
**Route tracking requires the active use of the onboard radio hardware and may consume a significant amount of power. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.
Road Tripper - Action Menu
The ACTION menu contains:
- Print for printing the list of points.
- Email for emailing the list of points.
- Share* – in the FULL VERSION – for emailing a copy of the map that can be opened directly from the MAIL app into Road Tripper
- GPX KML CSV* – in the FULL VERSION – for emailing the map as standard files
- Duplicate – in the FULL VERSION – a copy of the map is created.
- Clear to delete all the points from the map
*1 PRO Credit is required for this feature. FULL version users automatically receive 1 PRO Credit per day, per device. Additional PRO Credits can be purchased by device, in packages of 10.
Road Tripper PRO
The FULL VERSION enables users to create and save multiple maps, each with unlimited number of points.
The Maps button displays the list of maps with their names and the number of points. The “see details” button brings up the Points list.
Touch a map to switch to it.